Help your pet find comfort and calmness during stressful situations with Rescue Remedy Pet, a gentle and effective solution for anxiety and emotional upset.
This alcohol-free formula combines five Bach Original Flower Remedies, carefully selected for their soothing and balancing properties. Rescue Remedy Pet is ideal for pets experiencing stress due to loud noises, travel, separation, vet visits, or other unsettling events. It can also be used to help pets cope with behavioural issues related to anxiety. Simply add a few drops to your pet's water bowl, food, or directly on their tongue for fast-acting relief.
Give your furry companion the support they need during challenging times with Rescue Remedy Pet, a natural and gentle way to promote emotional balance and well-being.
- Formulated to help calm pets during stressful situations such as travel, thunderstorms, or separation anxiety.
- Supports emotional well-being by promoting a sense of calm and reducing nervousness or agitation.
- Made with natural flower essences, ensuring a gentle and safe approach to managing stress and anxiety without the use of sedatives or chemicals.
- Provides rapid calming effects to help pets feel more at ease and comfortable in stressful situations.
- Flower Essences: A blend of five natural flower essences (Rock Rose, Impatiens, Clematis, Star of Bethlehem, and Cherry Plum) known for their calming and stress-relief properties.
- Natural Ingredients: Contains no artificial additives or preservatives, ensuring a gentle and safe solution for pets.
- Alcohol-Free Formula: Designed specifically for pets, with an alcohol-free base to ensure safety and ease of use.
Available in a liquid form that can be easily added to food or water, making it convenient for pets of all sizes and temperaments.